Something about me

I'm from Poland. I speak Polish, English and a little bit of German.



Interests I participate in by creating, playing, using or listening to things.

Programming & software

If you couldn't tell already, programming is my passion. It makes me feel in full control over the machine by commanding it exactly what to do by my own rules and with a perfect to me order and structure.

Since I was very young, I had exceptional knowledge on how computers work and how to use all kinds of software. My first interaction with coding was when I was 9 years old and started making games in Scratch, Construct 2 and then basic websites in HTML and CSS, but the actual programming language I learned was JavaScript which I think learned when I was 10 or so. Over time I gained experience in many new languages. The next earliest languages I learned were Python, C# and Lua.

I believe that a user should not be a user of their software, but the administrator with full control. I expect a high level of power I have over the software I use, that's why I use Linux. The distribution I use, Arch Linux allowed me to build a perfect OS for me from scratch with as little preinstalled software as possible. Linux never does anything without my intention, and everything is configurable.

(Also my Linux install set up in such a way that literally nobody has an idea how to use it except me lol).


I like sandbox, RTS and shooter games. I often play Minecraft, Mindustry and People Playground.

But honestly I don't play games as much as I used before.


I listen to music very often. It makes me more productive and helps me when I'm feeling down.
I mainly listen to Rock, Metal, Electronic and Orchestral music, but I don't limit myself to only those genres as my music taste is very mixed.

I don't like big playlist and random music selection, I prefer to save songs I like and listen to a few selected ones (or just one) I currently want to play and listen to them on repeat.

I also compose my own music in LMMS, and play on the piano.


Things I like to learn about.

Although I only have one theoretical interest at a time that I like to research, the knowledge of the previous ones stays in my head.


I am autistic myself and learning about autism basically makes me learn a lot about myself. I've been recently diagnosed and seeing all the things that suddenly are explained is truly fascinating and relieving.

I like learning about every aspects of autism, but I'm not going to list all of them here, or I might end up explaining what it is and this would get way too long. I think I should write a blog post about it instead.

This interest was started a while ago when I was suspecting myself of being autistic and gathered a lot of evidence and made tons of research. Then it turned into something truly exciting I love to learn about.

I also have some knowledge about ADHD, since it has a few overlaps with autism, such as hyperfocus, sensory differences, trouble focusing on uninteresting things, stimming and many more (of course those traits don't have to always be present, as autism and ADHD are spectrum conditions and they manifest completely different in each person).

Language ancestry

Looking at how words evolve and how languages stem out from each other really fascinate me.

Like the Polish word "wiedzieć" (to know) & "widzieć" (to see) evolved from the Proto-Slavic "věděti" which evolved from Proto-Indo-European "weyd".
Also how similar the pronunciation is also fascinating.

Some words however pretty much did not change at all, such as "dom" in Polish from Proto-Indo-European "dṓm", and I also find that really fascinating.

I remember which group some languages belong to (especially Slavic) and draw a tree of how they evolved.


I find psychology really interesting as it makes me understand myself and others more.
When I first started learning about psychology it made me really know myself and made me more self conscious.

The things that I usually like to research are personality types and mental disorders, but also behaviorism.


I'm an introvert and rather a quiet person, but in a group of friends I will often say jokes and try to make the atmosphere funny.
I value alone time and a quiet and peaceful environment, as those allow me to concentrate on the things I like and recharge.

I'm an honest person, but I control myself to not accidentally hurt someone's feelings with my opinion.
I can be very open, but I prefer writing or texting when talking about very serious or emotional things.

It's not easy to offend me, and if you do offend I will assume it wasn't intentional or it's a joke. I forgive rather easily.

About me as a tree

  • Me
    • Spoken languages
      • Polish
      • English
      • German
    • Interests
      • Practical
        • Programming
        • Gaming
          • Minecraft
          • Mindustry
          • People Playground
        • Music
          • Composing
          • Listening
            • Rock
            • Metal
            • Electronic
            • Orchestral
            • More...
      • Theoretical
        • Autism
        • Language ancestry
        • Psychology
    • Personality
      • Introvert
      • Respectful & tolerant
      • Hard to offend
      • Jokeful


See my public GnuPG key.

Color palette

Colors I find the best